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Topaz Gemview signature pads.

September 07, 2022

Topaz GemView Tablet Displays show the signature, forms, videos, pictures, and advertisements on the tablet display.
Topaz GemView 7 Tablet Display
GemView 7 Tablet Display
✔ High-resolution LCD
✔ Compact 7.0" diagonal display
✔ Sign documents
✔ Run videos and ads
 Remote use options
GemView 7
Topaz GemView 10 Tablet Display
GemView 10 Tablet Display
✔ High-resolution LCD
✔ Half-page 10.1" diagonal display
✔ Sign documents
✔ Run videos and ads
 Remote use options
GemView 10
GemView 10 Touch
Topaz GemView 16 Tablet Display
GemView 16 Tablet Display
✔ High-resolution LCD
✔ Full-page 15.6" diagonal display
✔ Multi-angle kickstand
✔ Sign documents
✔ Run videos and ads
 Remote use options
GemView 16
Links are to the Topaz sitewhere you ccan get much more information, Software downloads and so on.
To see on our store visit this link- Topaz Signature pads.
